The national anthem of Spain during The Second Spanish Republic was "Himno de Riego" (Riego's Hymn) in honour of the General and liberal politician Rafael del Riego, hero of the Spanish Civil War 1820-1823 (not the 1936-1939 one).
Using Babelfish,, and, and downloading the MP3 from this leftist republican site (Spanish, not Irish), one can fashion a reasonable translation that just about scans:
Have fun singing along!
Using Babelfish,, and, and downloading the MP3 from this leftist republican site (Spanish, not Irish), one can fashion a reasonable translation that just about scans:
Riego's Hymn Himno de Riego
Serene and contented Serenos y alegres
Daring and valiant valientes y osados
We are singing soldiers cantemos soldados
Singing our songs of war. el himno a la lid.
Our proclamation De nuestros acentos
Astounds other nations el orbe se admire
So let them behold y en nosotros mire
The Children of El Cid los hijos del Cid.
Troops of the Mother Country Soldados la patria
She summons us to fight nos llama a la lid,
To her we swear our fealty juremos por ella
Death or victory! vencer o morir.
The world has never witnessed El mundo vio nunca
Such noble audacity más noble osadia,
Nor ever shall encounter ni vió nunca un día
Any greater valour más grande el valor,
A fire is ignited que aquel que, inflamados,
Burning bright inside us nos vimos del fuego
Inspired by Riego excitar a Riego
And the land that we adore de Patria el amor
The trumpet of battle La trompa guerrera
Echos on the wind sus ecos da al viento,
Longing for terror horror al sediento,
And the boom of the canon ya ruge el cañon
Mars, so ferocious a Marte, sañudo,
Provokes our boldness la audacia provoca
Invokes inventiveness y el ingenio invoca
Of our noble nation de nuestra nación.
Have fun singing along!

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