Last week, Amnesty International published the results of a poll commissioned to determine the attitude of the British public towards the crime of rape. It found 26% of those asked said that they thought a women was partially or totally responsible for being raped if she was wearing sexy or revealing clothing.

Coincidently, Rachel Stevens "sang" some songs and turned on the Christmas lights in Belfast last week too.

Towards the end of her performance she shed her large winter coat to reveal a figure hugging leotard / basque number. At this precise moment, around 26% of the crowd shot their arms into the air and took pictures with their mobile phone cameras. There must be some relationship between these statistics, but I'm afraid I'm not clever enough to draw any conclusions. Anyway, mobile phone pictures are too fuzzy to be of any use.

Coincidently, Rachel Stevens "sang" some songs and turned on the Christmas lights in Belfast last week too.

Towards the end of her performance she shed her large winter coat to reveal a figure hugging leotard / basque number. At this precise moment, around 26% of the crowd shot their arms into the air and took pictures with their mobile phone cameras. There must be some relationship between these statistics, but I'm afraid I'm not clever enough to draw any conclusions. Anyway, mobile phone pictures are too fuzzy to be of any use.
Meanwhile, at the Maiden England gig in the Rosetta Bar on Saturday, there were (about five) provocatively dressed women.

Well, maybe they took pictures/made little movies with their mobile phones later. After following them outside and rapin' them. (Drum roll, cymbal crash).
Or were the chicks at the Maiden tribute act mingers?
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