
Of the two pictures taken in this city, this one identifies the country. There's always something in a European supermarket that displays a nation's character, be it crispbreads in Hemköp, fish in El Corte Inglés or, um, ready meals in Tescos. Stealth was employed to position the pillar between the cheese controller and the mobile phone camera operator: taking pictures in supermarkets can lead to strange looks and perhaps even ejection.

A fair proportion of the graffiti is written in English; this may be down to the excellent standard of English spoken by this nation's inhabitants, or because so many English speaking tourists visit this city. This piece was the most intriguing: nice use of metaphor but wasted on those without sufficient costal experience. The closest comparison most UK inhabitants could draw would be that fish that tried to commit suicide by swimming up the Thames. My dad said they should have shot it.

Yeah, uh-huh.
Enough cheese, how goes the sex tourism?
*places one finger on tip of nose, points at Mark* you named that town in one... it was like Funderland but with sex instead of dodgems. And no, I didn't
Great drinking town.
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