Dylan Quinn presented his new solo work "Fallout" in the Ardhowen Theatre tonight, a naive and laboured modern dance (think a Netto version of the Baileys advert), clumsily hammering home the author's views on the war in Iraq, because heh: that's a liddle bit political folks, all set to an embarrassingly clichéd pumping 4/4 substandard techno.
The support act was 10 Down's Syndrome kids flopping around in some kind of freeform jazz ballet, with occasional, albeit accidental flashes of co-ordinated choreography. The highlight? the kid who started playing with his fly and looked in danger of getting his cock out.
The Down's Syndrome dancers win, but at an unknown cost to health: suppressing laughter for over half an hour is bound to cause some kind of internal damage.
The support act was 10 Down's Syndrome kids flopping around in some kind of freeform jazz ballet, with occasional, albeit accidental flashes of co-ordinated choreography. The highlight? the kid who started playing with his fly and looked in danger of getting his cock out.
The Down's Syndrome dancers win, but at an unknown cost to health: suppressing laughter for over half an hour is bound to cause some kind of internal damage.

Yikes! Did anyone at least try to stop the kid who was playing with his fly?
Nope, he regained composure and performed a pirouette, prohibiting penile production.
You live in Gaylord. Lots of people will find that very funny.
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