Me ma was at a wake the night, her ma's cousin's husband. Fed on rounds of triangular sandwiches with the crusts cut off and wee cups of tea served in the best china, time came for the morbid ritual of viewing the body. They all traipsed in to have a gawk and stood in silence for several seconds.
"He's like himself so he is"
And they all traipsed out for another round of triangular sandwiches with the crusts cut off and a wee cup of tea served in the best china.
"He's like himself so he is"
And they all traipsed out for another round of triangular sandwiches with the crusts cut off and a wee cup of tea served in the best china.

Aul crumblies, they're gas!
I hate wakes though, anything to do with death freaks me out.
Mmm, little triangular sandwiches.
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