Frank Mitchell is the epitome of the regional micro-celebrity. He presents the weather forecast, dishes out birthday greetings, puzzles with his weather-watching camera cryptic clues and provides pleasant sofa based chit chat before local news of beatings and tribalism. Frank even has his own TV show called 'The School Around the Corner', where he indulges in sofa based chit chat with wee boy and girls. And you know what? Sometimes children say the funniest things! Ha ha ha!
But a sinister message has been scrawled upon a shutter on Donegall Street...
... Noooo! Say it isn't so!
Coupland once wrote of consumer fatigue, where we are faced with so many choices in life that we retreat and make none. In Northern Ireland, now lives are not at stake (as much), the population seems to be suffering from political fatigue. Compare the scenes in front of the City Hall below:
Saturday April 1st, 1pm. A beautiful day does not encourage more than a handful of protesters (and the usual knot of leftists hanging onto their coat-tails) to demonstrate against the water charges due to be levied on Northern Irish residents in 2007, one of several draconian decisions made by appointed administrators which, as Lord Rooker freely admits, are designed to encourage NI politicians to form an assembly.
Saturday April 8th, 1pm. A real shitty day doesn't prevent more than 100 scooter enthusiasts gathering in front of the City Hall to deliver easter eggs to hungry kids or something. This is what das Volk really want to see.